Unconference Social Media

Found 11 results for "Unconference"

Unconference Hashtags 3 of 11

#HCDCHealthcare Conferences
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We have over 100 people registered to participate in HealthCa.mp/DC amongst them we have some Disruptive Women in Health Care. Robin Strongin, Presid…
#hcctHealthcare Conferences
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HealthCampCT is the latest in the HealthCamp un-conference series addressing the Transformation of Health Care to a participatory model with active pa…
#AHPQI_conferenceHealthcare Conferences
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This interactive event will provide an opportunity to network with other AHPs with an interest in quality improvement, facilitated by topical and regi…
#hcsd11Healthcare Conferences
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San Diego's HealthCamp community is concerned with the transformation of our health care finance & delivery system via patient or consumer empower…
#hcflaHealthcare Conferences
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Health Camp Florida will be a different kind of meeting, often called an unconference, whereby participants who wish to present come prepared to speak…
#hcsfbayHealthcare Conferences
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HealthCamp SFBay is a HealthCamp. HealthCamp is a national movement led by volunteers focused on putting social media, open source and the best of th…
#CHC11Healthcare Conferences
The Connecting HC unconference aims to remove the barriers between Patients, HCPs, and the pharmaceutical companies that serve them; for one day, at l…
#hibridsanitHealthcare Conferences
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Desconferencia para hablar de la sanidad híbrida realizada el 17 noviembre en twitter.
#mkmedHealthcare Conferences
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Medtech-Marketing 2012 - What€'s next? Innovative Marketingstrategien fur den Vertrieb von Verbrauchs- und Investitionsgetern im Healthcare-Markt Pre…

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