Sustainability Social Media
Found 27 results for "Sustainability"Sustainability Hashtags 3 of 27
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#ciudadsustentable | Healthcare Conferences | communication, sustainability Fisrt Sunstainable City Fair, organized by the government of Chile, we want to establish a dialigue about energy,movility and construction. |
#sdgtalks | Healthcare Conferences | development, Gender Equality, global health, healthcare social media, NCDs, public health, sustainability, tobacco control Sustainable Development e-Talks (#SDGtalks), is a special series of online talks featuring insights from thought leaders on range of issues around sus… |
#wehaveaplan | Healthcare Conferences | SDGs, sustainability In September 2015, the United Nations are launching global goals, a series of ambitious targets to end extreme poverty and tackle climate change for e… |
#IUHPE2019 | Healthcare Conferences | Health Promotion, public health, sustainability The Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand, the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) and their partners are looking forward t… |
#festival21 | Healthcare Conferences | climate change, food, Non Communicable Diseases, sustainability festival21 is an unprecedented all-day celebration of community, food & future. Coinciding with the final day of the UN climate talks in Paris, … |
#Sun_EUSEW19 | Healthcare Conferences | energy, research, science, sustainability This meeting will serve to present the current state of our work, favour supporters contribution to the “Priority Research Directions & Vision  |
#update2016 | Healthcare Conferences | guidelines, Health Care Policy, Healthcare Quality Improvement, regulation, social care, sustainability, training National Care Forum, Sue Ryder and Voluntary Organisations Disability Group are holding 4 FREE events for managers in March 2016. Topics inc: Assistan… |
#PHASA2020 | Healthcare Conferences | global health, public health, public health services and systems research, sustainability PHASA advocates equitable access to the basic conditions necessary to achieve health for all South African as well as equitable access to effective he… |
#OFH16 | Healthcare Conferences | digital health, empowered patients, epatients, future of health, health startup, healthcare innovation, patients included, StartUps, sustainability During Our Future Health we will host a great array of speakers including patients, doctors & nurses, researchers, technologists and musicians. Th… |