Respiratory physiotherapy Social Media

Found 9 results for "Respiratory physiotherapy"

Respiratory physiotherapy Hashtags 3 of 9

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#ACPRCHealthcare Tweet Chats
The ACPRC kicks off tweetchats again with a discussion on remote assessment for respiratory physiotherapists.
#ACPRC2015Healthcare Conferences
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Walking in the Steps of the Patient: Integrating Theory and Practice
#RespPTHealthcare Tweet Chats

The ACPRC are discussing extended scope practitioner roles within respiratory physiotherapy this month. Discussions and publications will be ongoing t…
#pulmrehabworksHealthcare Tweet Chats
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The ACPRC's monthly themes continue with June's theme of Pulmonary Rehabilitation! Join us for our Twitter chat on the last Wednesday of the month to …
#ACPRC2017Healthcare Conferences
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The programme aims to examine how healthcare as a whole is changing, and to explore how the role of a Respiratory Physiotherapist is also expanding. T…
#32HighCountryHealthcare Conferences
Join your colleagues from across North Carolina who are seeking increased knowledge to meet their personal and professional career goals. Attend the 3…
#33HighCountryHealthcare Conferences
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The 33rd Annual High Country Conference on Respiratory Care is a time for the profession to come together to discuss the leading issues and advances i…
#ACPRC2019Healthcare Conferences
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We are delighted to announce our 2019 ACPRC Conference - entitled Innovate, Influence and Inspire. Our conferences showcases the work of leading exper…

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