RCoA Social Media
Found 4 results for "RCoA"RCoA Hashtags 3 of 4
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#rcoaperiop | Healthcare Conferences | Anaesthesia, medicine, Perioperative, RCoA Today the College is sharing its vision for the future delivery of perioperative medicine across the UK – a vision to give patients the best possibl… |
#RCoAATF | Healthcare Conferences | Anaesthesia, FinalFRCA, FRCA, ICM, Obstetrics, Paediatrcis, PHEM, RCoA A one day event that will explore how to make the most of your learning experiences in years ST5-7. Recently appointed consultants will speak about bu… |
#RCoACPD | Healthcare Conferences | Airway management, Anaesthesia, Obstetrics, Paediatrics, Pediatrics, perioperative medicine, RCoA, research The CPD Study Day is designed to cover the essentials you need to keep up to date with your revalidation in anaesthesia. |
#RCoAUpdates | Healthcare Conferences | Airway, Anaesthesia, extubation, Obstetrics, perioperative medicine, PHEM, RCoA A three day meeting consisting of lectures, followed by ample time for discussion. The meeting is intended for doctors engaged in clinical anaesthesia… |