Physician employment Social Media
Found 3 results for "Physician employment"Physician employment Hashtags 3 of 3
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#hpr12 | Healthcare Conferences | medical homes, patient experience, physician compensation, physician employment, physician leadership, physician portals, physician recruitment and retention, physician relations, physicians and social media, population health management, primary care network development HOSPITAL AND PHYSICIAN RELATIONS: AN EXECUTIVE SUMMIT, Oct. 17-19, 2012, in Scottsdale, AZ, is an opportunity for top-level business and medical staff… |
#PhySS13 | Healthcare Conferences | Accountable Care, clinical integration, Leakage, patient experience, patient-centered medical homes, physician employment, Physician Recruitment & Retention, physician relations, physician sales, Referral Development For hospitals and physicians today, a growing focus on value, population health, and care cooordination means that alignment is more important than ev… |
#jobs4docs | Regular | Health Policy, HRH, medical specialists, physician employment, Workforce Planning |