Patient reported outcomes Social Media
Found 17 results for "Patient reported outcomes"Patient reported outcomes Hashtags 3 of 17
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#virtualhealthcare | Regular | digital health, healthcare innovation, Healthcare Quality Improvement, patient experience, patient reported outcomes |
#LivingWithAndBeyondCancer | Regular | Cancer, cancer survivorship, holistic health, patient experience, patient reported outcomes, Person-Centred Care, quality of life, rehabilitation |
#MLWB | Healthcare Conferences | burnout, human factors, medical error, mental health, Mental Illness, patient reported outcomes, PTSD, Wellbeing The development of burnout, post trauma symptoms and mental illness, are increasingly recognised as hazards associated with working in the medical pro… |
#PGHDinRWE | Healthcare Tweet Chats | patient data, Patient Generated Health Data, patient reported outcomes, real world evidence Twitter chat following the #ISPORAnnual workshop to discuss Advancing Real-World Evidence to Incorporate Patient-Generated Health Data. |
#acioutcomes | Healthcare Conferences | Measuring health outcomes, patient reported outcomes The NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation and the International Consortium on Health Outcome Measurement are bringing together clinicians, managers, and … |
#ispormilan | Healthcare Conferences | health economics, patient reported outcomes, pharmacoeconomics The theme of the conference, “Impacting Health Decision Making with Outcomes Research: Closing the Gap,” will be centered on the use of outcomes a… |
#ichomforum | Healthcare Conferences | clinical registries, health outcomes, ICHOM, Patient Centered Care, patient reported outcomes, Value Based Healthcare Forum on value-based health care. May 4, 2017. Sydney, Australia. Designed to spark conversation and encourage collaboration across the health sector,… |
#GoodOutcomeCYPMH | Healthcare Conferences | children's health, Clinical Outcomes, health outcomes, mental health, outcomes research, patient reported outcomes, young people This workshop aims to stimulate an interdisciplinary debate about what constitutes a good outcome in child and adolescent mental health by bringing to… |
#reins2017 | Healthcare Conferences | Clinical Trials, neurofibromatosis, patient engagement, patient reported outcomes, schwannomatosis REINS Winter 2017 Meeting, Dec. 4th 2017, Bethesda MD. REiNS is an international effort to develop new standardized response criteria for determinin… |