Parkinson’s Disease Social Media

Found 55 results for "Parkinson’s Disease"

Parkinson’s Disease Hashtags 3 of 55

#ParkinsonsDisease Hashtags

Parkinson's Disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. Symptoms are movement-related, including shaking, rigidity, slowness of …
#ParkinsonsDiseaseDisease Hashtags

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#ParkinsonsAwarenessDisease Hashtags

#1year2longHealthcare Tweet Chats
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#1year2long is a live tweetchat on neurological disorders and the importance of an earlier diagnosis. This event will take place December 11th 3pm GMT…

#WPC2022Healthcare Conferences

The triennial World Parkinson Congresses provide an international forum for dialogue on the latest scientific discoveries, medical practices, and care…
#WBD2020Healthcare Conferences
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World Brain Day is an annual international day of awareness dedicated to a new focus each year. The 2020 theme is Parkinson's Disease. Hosted on by th…
#AATADPDHealthcare Conferences
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The AAT-AD/PD™ Focus Meeting 2020 in Vienna will be the 2nd joint meeting between the International Geneva/Springfield Symposium on Advances in Alzh…

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