Methodology Social Media
Found 7 results for "Methodology"Methodology Hashtags 3 of 7
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#TrialConductResearch | Healthcare Tweet Chats | methodology, trial conduct research Trial Conduct Research tweet chat and twitter 'take over' is a rolling programme to share information about the work of the Trial Conduct Working Grou… |
#MedBikini | Regular | academic publication, Bias, medical professionalism, methodology, Professional Behavior, Professionalism |
#ASPE16 | Healthcare Conferences | best practices, healthcare simulation, interactive simulation, Medical Education, methodology, simulated patients, simulation educators, standardized patients #ASPE16 is the international networking conference for simulation educators to explore innovations in standardized patient methodology for education, … |
#ISPORSummit | Healthcare Conferences | evidence-based healthcare, health economics, heor, methodology, outcomes research, real world evidence The ISPOR Summit is a one-day meeting to present and debate a hot topic in the health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) space, usually related to… |
#ICTMC2019 | Healthcare Conferences | health economics, methodology, patient and public involvement, Randomised trials, recruitment, retention, trial management, trial statistics The individual Hubs were established by the UK Medical Research Council to create a UK-wide regionally distributed research resource to improve the de… |
#ICTMC2015 | Healthcare Conferences | Clinical Trials, methodology, Statistics, trial design, trial management International conference on the methodology of clinical trials |
#HSRUConf16 | Healthcare Conferences | Clinical Trials, health services research, methodology, Systematic Reviews One day UK conference exploring hot topics in Health Services Research including innovations in evidence synthesis and clinical trials methodology. I… |