Medical libraries Social Media
Found 21 results for "Medical libraries"Medical libraries Hashtags 3 of 21
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#ukmedlibs | Healthcare Tweet Chats | Health Information, knowledge management, medical libraries #ukmedlibs is a tweet chat for anyone with an interest in library and knowledge issues in health. Third Tuesday of the month, 8PM BST. Topics and … |
#MLAnet19 | Healthcare Conferences | health literacy, Medical Education, medical librarians, medical libraries, Systematic Reviews This is MLA’s premier event and draws more than 2,400 participants including medical librarians and other health information professionals, internat… |
#chlaabsc15 | Healthcare Conferences | Consumer Health Information, Embedded librarianship, Evidence Based Practice, Interprofessional relations, medical libraries The Canadian Health Libraries Association/ Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada Conference provides a forum for participants from acr… |
#CHLAABSC20 | Healthcare Conferences | Canada, Evidence Based Practice, evidence-based healthcare, health librarians, health librarianship, medical librarians, medical libraries, Patient Centered Care The 2020 Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada Annual (CHLA/ABSC) Conference will be held in bea… |
#mlanet15 | Healthcare Conferences | consumer health, Health Informatics, medical librarians, medical libraries, medlibs, mhealth, research Medical Library Association nonprofit, educational organization with more than 4,000 health sciences information professional members and partners wor… |
#BCSalut19 | Healthcare Conferences | health librarians, medical libraries, open science, research, transformation spaces, virtual library The III Conference of Libraries and Health of Catalonia about "Transformation of health sciences libraries: challenges and new competencies" Lines … |
#mlattt | Healthcare Conferences | emerging technologies, medical librarians, medical libraries, MLA, Tech, Trends The Annual Tech Trends session reviews new and emerging technologies and trends in the context of medical librarianship, and is held each year as duri… |
#GraphMed2020 | Healthcare Conferences | comics, graphic medicine, Health Humanities, health librarianship, Medical Education, medical humanities, medical libraries 11th Annual International Graphic Medicine Conference, July 16 - 19, 2020, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Theme this year is Graphic Medicine In/During Tro… |
#mlanet16 | Healthcare Conferences | health information technology, health librarians, health libraries, healthcare information technology, medical librarians, medical libraries Mosaic '16: The Joint meeting of the Medical Library Association (MLA), the Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la… |