Knowledge management Social Media
Found 8 results for "Knowledge management"Knowledge management Hashtags 3 of 8
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#ukmedlibs | Healthcare Tweet Chats | Health Information, knowledge management, medical libraries #ukmedlibs is a tweet chat for anyone with an interest in library and knowledge issues in health. Â Third Tuesday of the month, 8PM BST. Â Topics and … |
#GHPC2013 | Healthcare Conferences | development, knowledge management, social protection 10 - 11:30 am German time: Health and social protection experts working in or interested in German Development Cooperation assess seven proposals of p… |
#Perfmgt | Healthcare Conferences | Approaches, CLCF, knowledge management, Performance This course will enable the participant to develop a structured approach to Performance Management; it will provide an overview of performance managem… |
#hlg2014 | Healthcare Conferences | health care librarians, Health Information, knowledge management, medical librarians "Attention will shift from the library to the librarian. The information professional is the library of the future.” Sage BL Summit 2012 Tw… |
#eahil2016 | Healthcare Conferences | health librarianship, knowledge management, knowledge translation, research 15th EAHIL conference, held in Sevilla Spain. |
#HLG2016 | Healthcare Conferences | Health Information, health librarianship, healthcare innovation, knowledge management The biennial CILIP HLG Conference: >350 health librarians from across the UK convene to exchange ideas, discover the latest innovations and make lo… |
#HLG2018 | Healthcare Conferences | Health Informatics, Health Information, health librarianship, knowledge management The main themes of the programme are: • Examining the future workforce: What will it look like and how can you retain and grow your relevancy? â… |
#eahil2018 | Healthcare Conferences | Health Informatics, Health Information, health librarianship, knowledge management Inspiring, Involving, Informing: Improving the health and wellbeing of the citizens of Europe The 16th EAHIL Conference has a clear vision: inspiring… |