Kidney Stones Social Media

Found 27 results for "Kidney Stones"

Kidney Stones Hashtags 3 of 27

#KidneyStonesDisease Hashtags
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Renal Calculi, also known as kidney stones, are a solid concretion or crystal aggregation formed in the kidneys from dietary minerals in the urine.…
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#StoneChatHealthcare Tweet Chats
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#StoneChat will be a chat occurring around major urology conferences and meetings to discuss current trends in the management of urolithiasis or kidne…
#StoneSmartHealthcare Tweet Chats

The #StoneSmart Twitter chat was a physician engagement to discuss best practices in the treatment of kidney stones.
#SESAUA2015Healthcare Conferences
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Now in its 79th year, the SESAUA brings together urologists from across the Southeastern United States. This year the conference will be held in Savan…
#CAU16Healthcare Conferences
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From October 4th to the 8th, 2016, Panama city receive thousands of urologists from Latin America, Spain, Portugal. We know that the scientific conten…
#DUST18Healthcare Conferences
International annual symposium on management of ureteral stones.
#scopesmartHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Twitter chat on surgical techniques for treating kidney stones

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