Health librarianship Social Media
Found 11 results for "Health librarianship"Health librarianship Hashtags 3 of 11
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#medlibs | Healthcare Tweet Chats | big data, Health Information, health librarians, health librarianship, health literacy, medical librarians The Medlibs Twitter chat topics are selected and published at the #medlibs chat blog, Inaugural chat held June 21, 20… |
#eahil2016 | Healthcare Conferences | health librarianship, knowledge management, knowledge translation, research 15th EAHIL conference, held in Sevilla Spain. |
#HLG2016 | Healthcare Conferences | Health Information, health librarianship, healthcare innovation, knowledge management The biennial CILIP HLG Conference: >350 health librarians from across the UK convene to exchange ideas, discover the latest innovations and make lo… |
#healthlibaust | Healthcare Tweet Chats | ebm, health librarianship, information literacy, Systematic Reviews, Teaching HealthLibAust is Health Libraries Australia (ALIA) monthly twitter chat. We talk about issues in hospitals, medicine, teaching, ebm and other topics. |
#HLG2018 | Healthcare Conferences | Health Informatics, Health Information, health librarianship, knowledge management The main themes of the programme are: • Examining the future workforce: What will it look like and how can you retain and grow your relevancy? â… |
#eahil2018 | Healthcare Conferences | Health Informatics, Health Information, health librarianship, knowledge management Inspiring, Involving, Informing: Improving the health and wellbeing of the citizens of Europe The 16th EAHIL Conference has a clear vision: inspiring… |
#CHLAABSC20 | Healthcare Conferences | Canada, Evidence Based Practice, evidence-based healthcare, health librarians, health librarianship, medical librarians, medical libraries, Patient Centered Care The 2020 Canadian Health Libraries Association/Association des bibliothèques de la santé du Canada Annual (CHLA/ABSC) Conference will be held in bea… |
#GraphMed2020 | Healthcare Conferences | comics, graphic medicine, Health Humanities, health librarianship, Medical Education, medical humanities, medical libraries 11th Annual International Graphic Medicine Conference, July 16 - 19, 2020, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Theme this year is Graphic Medicine In/During Tro… |
#chlaabsc21 | Healthcare Conferences | health librarians, health librarianship CHLA/ABSC holds an annual conference which provides an important opportunity for members, health sciences and medical librarians and other stakeholder… |