Health care improvement Social Media
Found 8 results for "Health care improvement"Health care improvement Hashtags 3 of 8
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#quality4 | Healthcare Conferences | health care improvement, healthcare social media, twitter A Crash Course in Twitter & Social Media for Healthcare Improvement, BMJ/IHI International Forum on Quality & Safety, 16-19 April 2013, London… |
#HCLeaders18 | Regular | health care improvement, healthcare innovation, Healthcare Leadership, high-performing organizations, high-performing teams |
#NHPC19 | Healthcare Conferences | evidence-based healthcare, health care improvement, Health Care Policy, Health Policy, Healthcare Politics As one of the only events of its kind, the AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference (NHPC) brings together health care decision makers, policy … |
#QF20 | Healthcare Conferences | health care improvement, healthcare innovation, Patient Safety, Quality and Safety, Quality Improvement Quality Forum 2020 is a three-day event, with pre-Forum events taking place on Tuesday, February 25 and its main two days of programming taking place … |
#QS13 | Healthcare Conferences | health care improvement, LEAN, patient- and family-centred care, system improvement Provincial conference sharing inspiring stories of improvement in health care. Open to everyone from everywhere. April 10-11, 2013 in Regina, SK Host… |
#QS14 | Healthcare Conferences | creativity, health care improvement, healthcare innovation, improving healthcare, LEAN, Patient Centered Care, patient engagement, Patient Safety The Saskatchewan Health Care Quality Summit is a fast-moving, jam-packed two-day conference. It showcases the work that is being done throughout our p… |
#IHI25Forum | Healthcare Conferences | health care improvement, Healthcare Quality Improvement Annual National Forum of IHI in Orlando Florida, 2013 |
#ICSI2017 | Healthcare Conferences | health care improvement, Healthcare Leadership, team work, Triple Aim Together we will explore the new and evolving teams and teamwork needed, both inside of health care and reaching outward beyond our walls, to meet the… |