Hackathon Social Media
Found 25 results for "Hackathon"Hackathon Hashtags 3 of 25
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#HackingHealth | Regular | digital health, Hackathon, healthcare innovation |
#PFHack | Healthcare Conferences | Hackathon, Healthcare Quality Improvement, NHS, patient flow This is the very first Hull 24hr hackathon, bringing together people from all corners of the Hull health community to find workable solutions to optim… |
#GWDLdn | Healthcare Conferences | Hackathon, london, Obesity, Teen Health, weight loss, Wellbeing London has more obese children than any other global city. Help us make London a healthier place. Join 100 other teenagers for a fun day at City Hall … |
#MDPHack | Regular | disruption, entrepreneur, Hackathon, Health IT, health startup, healthcare innovation |
#HackAMSterdam | Regular | Hackathon, Multiple Sclerosis |
#GrandHack | Healthcare Conferences | digital health, Hackathon, HackMed, health innovation, MIT Hacking Medicine MIT Hacking Medicine's annual flagship event! A weekend to brainstorm and build innovative solutions with hundreds of like-minded engineers, clinician… |
#hackathonhealth | Healthcare Conferences | developers, digital health, ehealth, Hackathon, hacking health, HealthHackathon, healthtech, StartUps 1st Health Hackathon in Asturias, Connecting developers and health professionals to new ehealth projects. by Salud Social Media, Renovacción Asturias… |
#HackMedMiami | Healthcare Conferences | Childhood Obesity, Hackathon, hcsm, health innovation, Miami, MIT Hacking Medicine, Obesity, Startup Bootcamp A collaboration between MIT Hacking Medicine, Startupbootcamp Miami and the Idea Center at Miami Dade College to host the biggest digital health event… |
#anzicsdatathon17 | Healthcare Conferences | big data, datathon, Hackathon, healthcare research ANZICS is bringing inter-professional critical care trainees and clinicians (data novices to gurus), statisticians, data scientists and administrators… |