Future Social Media

Found 14 results for "Future"

Future Hashtags 3 of 14

#FutureThinkersHealthcare Conferences
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How will our society look in 2050? How will technology change the way we interact? How could we power the future? How can we care for an ageing popula…
#NAPSAcongressHealthcare Conferences
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NAPSA Congress is a week-long conference which brings together Pharmacy students from all around Australia to attend inspiring and innovative educatio…
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#tcplenary1Healthcare Tweet Chats
Join us for the first TweetChat of @thecloud2015 to consider the twin challenges of Innovation and Change as MRS professionals look to the future.
#tcplenary2Healthcare Tweet Chats
The second plenary of #thecloud2015 will consider medical radiation sciences as "An Evolving Profession", considering also the international context o…
#youngwoncaHealthcare Conferences
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All WONCA regions now have their own young doctor movement. The movement leaders are invited to Istanbul to share their ambitions and discuss the chal…
#BeyondFlexnerHealthcare Conferences
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What will U.S. medical schools look like in 20 years? Who are the students, faculty and administrators of the future? How will classrooms be differe…
#hsr17Healthcare Conferences
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HSRAANZ will be held 1-3 November 2017 at Surfers Paradise Marriott, Gold Coast, Queensland Australia. The conference theme is “Shifting priorities:…
#CancerLDNHealthcare Conferences
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The main objective for the ‘Commissioning to improve outcomes for cancer patients’ event was to look at ways to implement solutions to imp…

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