Deteriorating Patient Social Media

Found 8 results for "Deteriorating Patient"

Deteriorating Patient Hashtags 3 of 8

#deterioratingpatientHealthcare Conferences

This conference focuses on recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient and ensuring best practice including the use of NEWS2.
#NightingaleH2020Healthcare Conferences
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We are pleased to announce the Nightingale project conference focusing on Remote Wireless Patient Monitoring: Challenges, Experiences, and What’s Ne…
#nhsdetpatientHealthcare Conferences
This one day conference will focus on recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient including implementing the new National Early Warning Sc…
#detpatientHealthcare Conferences
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This one day conference focuses on recognising and responding to the deteriorating patient through improving the reliability of patient observations a…
#DPLS15Healthcare Conferences
Aims: Understand NHSScotland’s aims in reducing harm and mortality for people in acute care. Generate ideas for improvement by sharing learning on r…
#DPEWHealthcare Conferences
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The Deteriorating Patient Education Workshop is live now. It brings doctors, nurses and allied health staff together to work together to develop bette…
#spspconf16Healthcare Conferences

SPSP National Conference
#SPSPpaed18Healthcare Conferences
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