Consumer participation Social Media
Found 14 results for "Consumer participation"Consumer participation Hashtags 3 of 14
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#PExS2017 | Healthcare Conferences | consumer and patient engagement, consumer participation, healthcare social media, patient advocacy, Patient Centered Care, patient engagement, patient experience, Patient Safety The 2017 Patient Experience Symposium brings together clinicians, consumers and managers from across health to share and showcase innovative work and … |
#healthreforming | Healthcare Conferences | Australia, consumer participation, Consumers Reforming Health 2011, health issues centre, Melbourne, Patient Centered Care Tweets from the Consumers Reforming Health 2011 conference in Melbourne, convened by the Health Issues Centre (18-20 July 2011). |
#ACMHN2017 | Healthcare Conferences | consumer participation, mental health, mental health nursing, Psychiatry, psychology, recovery The aim of this conference is to deliver fresh, innovative ideas, alongside evidence-based concepts, with the view to enhancing delegates practice. Th… |
#ptcentcare | Regular | consumer participation, participatory medicine, Patient Centered Care |
#VMIACConf17 | Healthcare Conferences | consumer participation, mental health Conference of the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC): Our People, Our Voice: an opportunity to yarn and forge our future. 1-2 Nov 201… |
#iAOD13 | Healthcare Conferences | Alcohol, consumer participation, drug trends, drugs, healthcare innovation, partnerships With the whole of government Victorian alcohol and other drugs reforms set to reshape the delivery of alcohol and drug treatment services this year, t… |
#youthhealthforum | Healthcare Conferences | consumer participation, social care, youth The Inaugural Youth Health Forum is organised by the Consumers Health Forum of Australia. It will bring together a group of young people aged 16 - 30 … |
#vaada13 | Healthcare Conferences | Aboriginal health, Alcohol & Other Drugs, change management, consumer participation, mental health, system reform, working with families VAADA Conference: 14-15 February 2013. VAADA is the peak body for Victorian Alcohol & Other Drug (AOD) services. The conference is held every 2 ye… |
#iAOD14 | Healthcare Conferences | consumer participation, Methamphetamine, treatment ReGen warmly invites you to participate in a discussion of an issue that will continue to be at the forefront of public and sector debate. Much of thi… |