Commissioning Social Media

Found 16 results for "Commissioning"

Commissioning Hashtags 3 of 16

#WHFeventsHealthcare Conferences
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The Westminster Health Forum provides an environment for policymakers in Parliament, Whitehall and government agencies to engage with key stakeholders…
#maltconf2014Healthcare Conferences
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MALT Conference 2014 - The challenges and opportunities of technology enabled care services. September 30, 2014 - The Source at Meadowhall, Sheffield.…
#nhsalliance14Healthcare Conferences
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National conference on primary care, on 4 December, 2014 at RIBA, London. The NHS Alliance Action Summit will bring together leading organisations, in…
#TECS15Healthcare Conferences
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The event will bring together national policy, EU projects and the supply of technology enabled care along with the local approach to developing integ…
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#TECSVoiceHealthcare Tweet Chats
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Starting on the 6th October, join us every Tuesday from 7pm-8pm GMT to discuss what's going on in the world of Technology Enabled Care. Speak with our…
#Dementia2013Healthcare Conferences
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This conference chaired by Sarah Pickup, Co-Chair, Health and Champion Group of the National Dementia Challenge and with a Keynote Opening Address fro…
#EOLCommissioningHealthcare Conferences
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This conference focuses on effective commissioning for high quality end of life care. Through national updates, extended sessions and case studies the…
#PCPconfHealthcare Conferences
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The Patient Centred Prescribing Conference brings together health & social care professionals, clinicians, managers, commissioners & health po…

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