CDI Social Media
Found 8 results for "CDI"CDI Hashtags 3 of 8
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#CHIAConv13 | Healthcare Conferences | CDI, EHR, ICD-10, Meaningful Use The CHIA Convention & Exhibit is California’s premier event for health information management professionals. Health care and the role and opport… |
#ANI2013 | Healthcare Conferences | ACA, Affordable Care Act, CDI, ICD-10, Meaningful Use, obamacare, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Revenue Cycle Management Four days of dynamic ANI networking opportunities where you can engage speakers, industry leaders, HFMA leadership, and your peers from around the cou… |
#TxHIMA13 | Healthcare Conferences | CAC, CDI, EHR, HIE, HIM, HIPPA, ICD-10, Meaningful Use 2013 TxHIMA Annual Convention Omni Fort Worth Hotel Fort Worth, TX |
#CDISummit14 | Healthcare Conferences | AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association, CDI, clinical documentation improvement The AHIMA CDI Summit is dedicated to leading the documentation journey & exploring the challenges presented by today’s complex healthcare enviro… |
#AHIMACon14 | Healthcare Conferences | AHIMA, CDI, Health Information Management, ICD-10, Information Governance The AHIMA Convention & Exhibit takes place at a critical point in health information history, making the convention a must-attend event for profe… |
#ACDIS2017 | Healthcare Conferences | CDI, CDI Expansion, Clinical and Coding, clinical documentation improvement, management and leadership, Outpatient and Risk-Adjusted CDI, physician engagement, Quality and Regulatory The 10th annual ACDIS Conference features unparalleled networking, the ACDIS Achievement Awards, and five concurrent educational tracks with a diverse… |
#NYHIMA2018 | Healthcare Conferences | CDI, Coding & Compliance, IG/EMR, informatics, Payment Reform, Privacy & Security The 2018 Annual Conference is an event that you won't want to miss! With a full program covering topics such as payment reform, informatics, privacy … |
#NYHIMAADK | Healthcare Conferences | CDI, Coding & Compliance, IG/EMR, informatics, Payment Reform, Privacy & Security The 2018 Annual Conference is an event that you won't want to miss! With a full program covering topics such as payment reform, informatics, privacy &… |