Careers Social Media
Found 16 results for "Careers"Careers Hashtags 3 of 16
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#FutureDocs | Healthcare Conferences | career choices, careers, healthcare workers, learning, Medical Education, medical school, medical students, pre-med This event consists of workshops focused on topics such as medical school admissions and the Medical College Admission Test® (MCAT®) along with a ca… |
#ClinSci | Healthcare Conferences | career choices, careers, clinical research, clinicians, medical students, research, science Life as a Clinician-Scientist: The Best of Both Worlds will be a symposium for med students, junior doctors & PhD students focusing on the interse… |
#HBA35 | Regular | Business, careers, executives, Healthcare Leadership, pharma, pharmaceutical, women |
#AdvanceMed | Healthcare Conferences | careers, Interviews, job selection, specialty selection AdvanceMed is an initiative to provide career advice, planning and preparation among postgraduate medical trainees in Australia, created by a group of… |
#IMS15 | Healthcare Conferences | careers, generational differences, hospital systems, international perspective, Medical Education, Medical Technology, training 'The Future of the Medical Profession' is the theme of this symposium. There will be significant representation from overseas with speakers from the U… |
#rcpeCareers17 | Healthcare Conferences | career choices, careers, training This symposium is designed to give people greater insight into a career as a physician and more information on many of the 31 specialities open to phy… |
#NUMedEdDay15 | Healthcare Conferences | careers, Faculty Development, graduate medical education, Medical Education, medicine, Simulation, Teaching, technology The 5th Annual MEDICAL EDUCATION DAY at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is Friday, September 25th, 2015 at Northwestern Memorial H… |
#otw19 | Healthcare Conferences | career choices, careers, financial wellbeing, personal wellbeing, team work, Wellbeing, Women in Medicine, workplace culture ‘Future. Ready. You.’ A national Junior Doctor conference & 2nd conference hosted by The conference will focus on delivering … |
#scoc2015 | Healthcare Conferences | careers, communication, health communication, Jobs, science, science careers, science communication, science outreach The "Science Communication & Outreach Career symposium" is focused on how effective science communication is useful for a variety of scientific ca… |