Careers Social Media
Found 16 results for "Careers"Careers Hashtags 3 of 16
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#FutureDocs | Healthcare Conferences | career choices, careers, healthcare workers, learning, Medical Education, medical school, medical students, pre-med This event consists of workshops focused on topics such as medical school admissions and the Medical College Admission Test® (MCAT®) along with a ca… |
#ClinSci | Healthcare Conferences | career choices, careers, clinical research, clinicians, medical students, research, science Life as a Clinician-Scientist: The Best of Both Worlds will be a symposium for med students, junior doctors & PhD students focusing on the interse… |
#FLHC2016 | Healthcare Conferences | careers, careers in medicine, healthcare careers, medical careers, Workforce Development The Future Leaders in Healthcare is a 3 day conference for high school students who plan to attend college and study in the medical field. The confere… |
#projectsearch16 | Healthcare Conferences | Academy, careers, education, Future leaders, High School, summer, Wake Forest University Project SEARCH Academy, June 19-25) is a one week residential program held on the Reynolda campus of Wake Forest University and is Northwest Area Heal… |
#TVFas | Healthcare Conferences | AiT, careers, Dermatology, First5, General Practice, healthcare social media, interactive, LMC, Oxford Deanery, Primary Care, RCGP, RCGP Social media highway code, Royal College of General Practitioners, Specialist Trainees, Thame, The Oxfordshire golf club, workshops Annual symposium of Thames Valley Faculty RCGP (Royal College if General Practitioners). For new members (First5), established GPs, Associates in Trai… |
#BornToHeal | Regular | career choices, careers, doctors, inspiration, medicine, physicians |
#rcpeCareers13 | Healthcare Conferences | Associate Specialist, careers, physicians, Staff Grade How to Make it in Medicine - A Careers Symposium for Foundation Doctors and Medical Students. "What kind of doctor are you going to be when you… |
#ghnetwork | Healthcare Conferences | careers, global health, medical student education, medical students, nursing students, public health, public health services and systems research, student midwives The Global Health Next Generation Network (GHNGN) is inviting all of you to join the 2017 Next Generation Global Health Forum focused on career steps … |
#HBA35 | Regular | Business, careers, executives, Healthcare Leadership, pharma, pharmaceutical, women |