Bacteria Social Media
Found 8 results for "Bacteria"Bacteria Hashtags 3 of 8
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#Neumococo | Regular | #EnfermedadesInfecciosas, #Pneumococcal, #Pneumococcus, #Streptococcuspneumoniae, Bacteria, Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, vaccines, vacunas |
#EColi | Disease Hashtags | Bacteria, Digestive Disorders, E. Coli, Escherichia Coli Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria normally live in the intestines of people and animals. Most E. coli are harmless and actually are an important par… |
#pseudomonas | Regular | Bacteria, Dermatology, GreenNailSyndrome, infection, Infectious Diseases, nailinfection |
#IDChat | Healthcare Tweet Chats | antibiotics, Bacteria, fungi, Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, vaccines, viruses #IDChat is a weekly infectious disease twitter chat forum founded by Philip Lederer. |
#IOM2014mtg | Healthcare Conferences | annual meeting, Bacteria, flora, intestines, IOM, Microbiome, NAS The Institute of Medicine’s 44th Annual Meeting on 19-20 October 2014. Events on 19 October will be for members only. Events on Monday October 20 … |
#MiMicrobe | Healthcare Conferences | Bacteria, beneficial microbes, Fecal transplant, FMT, microbial communities, Microbiome, Microbiota, tree of life This conference brings together scientists who appreciate all aspects of microbial life to address the conceptual, technical and ethical dimensions as… |
#viinyis | Healthcare Conferences | Bacteria, Immunology, infection, Microbiology, parasites, Virus The purpose of this symposium is to provide current postgrad students, RAs and postdocs a forum for career networking and scientific exchange. |
#IDWeek2018 | Healthcare Conferences | Bacteria, Basic Science, Epidemiology, HIV, Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics, Virus IDWeek is the annual scientific meeting where infectious diseases professionals can meet, share experiences, and develop collaborations. With the t… |