Apps Social Media
Found 21 results for "Apps"Apps Hashtags 3 of 21
Hashtag | Type | Description |
#HHcamp | Healthcare Conferences | Apps, big data, ehealth, health data, healthcare innovation, mhealth, smart data Hacking Health Camp est un évènement international sur 4 jours qui vise à briser les barrières de l’innovation en santé. Un évènement à dest… |
#livapp | Healthcare Conferences | Apps, healthcare innovation The development of Healthcare Apps, whether focussing on the power of social media to inform, engage and empower patients or as a vehicle for safe, ef… |
#hcub13 | Healthcare Conferences | Accountable Care, Apps, EHR, gamification, Healthcare Unbound, Meaningful Use, mhealth, patient engagement Forrester Research coined the term “Healthcare Unbound” to encompass the trends toward technology aided self care, mobile care and home ca… |
#isyscore2017 | Healthcare Conferences | Apps, ehealth, eSalun App salud, mhealth Por tercer año consecutivo hemos evaluado una muestra de Apps disponibles en el mercado y presentamos nuestra selección de las mejores. No te pierda… |
#SMWChiHealth | Healthcare Conferences | Apps, big data, healthcare social media, information technology, open data, public health The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) hosts this yearly event in concert with Social Media Week Chicago where this global event aims to provi… |
#mHealthBCN18 | Healthcare Conferences | Apps, digital health, digital health research, Digital Mental Health, Health Apps, medical apps, mhealth, Salud Digital mHealth BCN Conference es una jornada de actualización anual en sobre mejores prácticas en mHealth co.organizada entre la Fundación iSYS y la CAM… |
#diabetesuniv | Healthcare Conferences | Apps, Diabetes, healthcare social media, mobile Southern Diabetes Foundation presents the Diabetes University 2013 in Columbus, GA. October 18th is devoted to clinician training. On October 19th pre… |
#JFHC18 | Healthcare Conferences | Apps, farmacia, Health Apps, pharmacy, redes sociales, Salud Digital La Vint i vuitena edició de la jornada de Serveis de Farmàcia d'Hospitals Comarcals - "Avançant en competències digitals", organitzada per l’Hos… |
#connect14 | Healthcare Conferences | Apps, mental health, psychology, research, technology, young people, youth How can technology be used to improve the health and wellbeing of young people? Conference of the Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre, Melbourn… |