#piexeter2013 Conference Hashtag
New Developments in Public Involvement Research
New Developments in Public Involvement in Research Conference Date: 13-15 November 2013 Venue: The Rougemont Hotel, Exeter, UK Organised and hosted by the NIHR PenCLAHRC Patient and Public Involvement Team, this conference will focus on the latest thinking on patient and public involvement (PPI) in health research, including how PPI can play a meaningful role in research projects. Such a role may involve setting research agendas, prioritising research activities, conducting research, and implementing and evaluating research projects. The conference itself is designed to be of benefit to researchers, patients, carers, members of the public, health professionals and NHS research managers. For further information, please visit http://clahrc-peninsula.nihr.ac.uk/ppi-conference.php
#piexeter2013 is a conference hashtag submitted by @PenCLAHRC