#impact80 Conference Hashtag
IMPACT80 Virutal Summit 2014 - A Global Care & Health Initiative
CareNovate Magazine presents the first virtual caregiving & women's health summit on February 11th, 2014 entitled IMPACT80 Summit: A Global Initiative. IMPACT80 summit is designed to engage, educate, empower & support family caregivers & wormen juggling work and caring for both young and aging loved ones globally via interactive dialogue with caregiving, health literacy, medication safety experts & health care professionals. Simply put, if you have a vested interest in women's health, caregiving, wellness, holistic health, you’ll benefit from this exciting summit & online community. To learn more, visit http://goo.gl/ceSXWS Register here: http://goo.gl/ouGYlT Get CareNovate Magazine here: http://eepurl.com/vvgKT
#impact80 is a conference hashtag submitted by @carenovatemag