#IHCFORUMEast Conference Hashtag
Institute for HealthCare Consumerism FORUM East
In our fourth year, the 2013 IHC FORUM East is the only national event 100% dedicated to innovative health & benefit management. No matter where you are on your journey, the FORUM will equip you with the money-saving strategies you need to successfully navigate the health care consumerism landscape and avoid the bumps along the road. FORUM is a must-attend event for C-level executives, corporate wellness directors, HR professionals, health care brokers or regional health plan providers. With 24 cutting-edge workshops, five general sessions, 40 top industry professionals and numerous networking opportunities, attendees have an unprecedented opportunity to interact with peers and policy makers on the leading edge of the health care consumerism revolution. http://www.theihccforum.com
#IHCFORUMEast is a conference hashtag submitted by @the_IHC