#FoxChat Tweet Chat
On Tuesday, December 17, from 2 to 3 p.m. ET, The Michael J. Fox Foundation (@MichaelJFoxOrg) will host a Twitter chat about the cost of slow clinical trial recruitment and how it affects scientific progress more broadly. As a friend of The Michael J. Fox Foundation, you may already know that clinical trials are a crucial step on the path to developing new and better treatments for Parkinson's disease and that clinical trials across all diseases face an enduring lack of volunteers willing to participate. However, technology-based solutions, such as MJFF's Fox Trial Finder, are emerging as worthy opponents to this chronic problem. The chat will be moderated by Matt Herper (@matthewherper), science and medicine reporter for Forbes, and will explore recruitment challenges, the solut…
Start: Tue 17th Dec 2013#FoxChat is a healthcare tweet chat hashtag submitted by @MichaelJFoxOrg