#CCME14 Conference Hashtag
16th Ottawa Conference and the 12th Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CCME)
We are pleased to announce that the 16th Ottawa Conference and the 12th Canadian Conference on Medical Education (CCME) will be held conjointly, in Ottawa, April 26-29, 2014. The program will be fully integrated with common plenary sessions and be relevant to medical education across the continuum including assessment. The symposia, workshops, oral presentations and posters will be labeled as either CCME 2014 or Ottawa Conference 2014. Abstracts with a focus on medical education (medical student and resident training, continuing professional development) should be submitted to CCME. Abstracts with a focus on assessment (including selection for medical and postgraduate studies, and curriculum evaluation) should be submitted to the Ottawa Conference. We look forward to welcoming our colleagu
#CCME14 is a conference hashtag submitted by @ARJalali